I’m a mom, a grandma (Gigi), an empty nester and gen x’er. I am divorced and enjoying life in the wonderful weirdness of Austin, Texas. I am from the midwest, Chicago and Green Bay.

 I received my Bachelor’s in both Business Management and Marketing from Lakeland University. My journey as a sex educator began in 2011 when I began teaching women about sex and their bodies as part of the in- home party business, Pure Romance.  I had a lot of opportunities to learn about sex from top sexual educators within this role, including a Sexuality Training Course  through the University of Indiana – Bloomington.  Fast forward to 2020, I had just moved across the country after leaving a 20 year relationship, and in my pursuit of knowledge and wanting to further reduce the shame and stigma surrounding sex, I became a certified Sex Coach through The Dr Rachael Ross Institute. This led to Love Your O as I learned just how important self-love is.  My mission is to help women learn how to love themselves first and transform their lives. When women love themselves, they are unstoppable.

I am committed to providing a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to explore their intimate desires and challenges. My approach is rooted in compassion, respect, and understanding, aiming to help clients build confidence, enhance communication skills, and prioritize their sexual health and well-being. Through personalized guidance and evidence-based practices, I strive to support individuals in creating more meaningful and satisfying intimate relationships. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together towards a more fulfilling and empowered sexual self.